Curriculum Overview: Introduction
Curriculum Overview:
This self-paced strategy development process will occur over 8 weeks (or how ever fast you are able to complete it). There are going to be multiple phases to the course that are outlined in the CoPilot Strategy Development Model, VVVMAT Visioning-Visualizing-Validating-Motivation-Actualizing-Transformation Model.
MODULE 1 – Visioning
Visioning is an opportunity for us to build and expand the dream and think through the life that we are navigating toward with the greatest level of specificity.
This is not an opportunity to be shy. We have to ask the universe for what we want in expectation that what we will actually get will be even greater than we could have imagined.
Deliverables for this module includes:
- "Who Are You, Really?" Strategic Questions Responses
- Daily Routine
MODULE 2 – Visualizing
Visualizing is our chance to pull that vision into the real world and figure out the order of operations, priorities, the assumptions, activities, and strategies needed to reach our desired destination. Heads Up // This stage is tedious but equally as important to the other modules.
Each module is absolutely necessary.
Deliverables for this module includes:
- Visualization form (Strategy Draft)
MODULE 3 – Validation
This is our opportunity to socialize our strategy with trusted supporters and family members. It is also critical that we socialize and share our strategy with professionals that have already been successful in the spaces we hope to occupy.
Deliverables for this module includes:
Feedback, adjustment, and validation from Strategy Draft from Module 2
Module 4 – Motivation for Actualization and Transformation
Actualizing is our shift into lift off. We will CoPilot the strategy and make adjustments in real time. Frankly, this is us building the plane as we fly it. If we did our job in MODULE 1, 2, and 3, MODULE 4 will be a breeze. We are going to test our original assumptions and operate with a Minimum Viable Strategy (MVS).
Deliverables for this module includes:
- Quality and Continuous Improvement Metrics
- Personal Board of Directors
- Critical Success Factor Analysis